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On Mondays and Wednesdays students learn core subjects in traditional classrooms amongst peers, led by our incredible faculty. School begins at 8:00 am and ends at 3:20pm. The school day consists of 7 class periods as well as snack time, lunch time and recess.
Each Monday school begins with Chapel for all grades. We sing worship, recite scripture, and hear engaging Bible lessons.
All grades also have an enrichment class each day. On Mondays students attend STEM class and learn through hands on experiments and activities. On Wednesdays, students attend Music and Art class (on a bi-weekly rotation).
Homework for satellite days is assigned through an online portal called Planbook. Parent-teachers log in to read assignments and access resources. Students turn in work assigned on satellite days on their next on-campus school day. Although students must complete the lessons assigned, families have the flexibility of how/where they want to accomplish that during their day.
Lunch and snack are eaten in your your classroom with your classmates, pack something you enjoy and don't forget your water bottle!
FUN FACT: On the last Wednesday every month we have pizza day and the whole school eats together in the Fellowship Hall!
Recess takes place every day after lunch. Some things students love to do at recess are play basketball, play soccer, draw with chalk, jump rope, hula hoop, play tag, or make up a game!
FUN FACT: When it snows you can wear your snow gear and sled down the hill!
Our school encourages comradery and encouragement among students through a House system. Each student is assigned a house (either Brave House, Courage House, Honor House or Valor House) and each house has students from every grade represented. During chapel and pizza day you sit with your housemates!
FUN FACT: Students can earn paw points for their house by showing positive character traits - then you can turn those points in for prizes!
We have lots of fun events during the year at GPA. Each October we have a special day called Fall Fest where we have fun activities instead of afternoon classes! In the winter, the school puts on a Christmas and art show called Pop in and Peek, and at the end of the year we show off music, art and schoolwork from the year during Presentation Night.
FUN FACT: The last day of school is Field Day and a teacher from each grade gets a pie in the face!
There's always something fun happening at school, especially on school spirit days! Each year we celebrate GPA Blue Day, Crazy Hair/Hat Day, and World Storytelling Day.
FUN FACT: Even our mascot Lewis the Lion takes part and dresses up for school spirit days!
The first Friday of each month is what we call Fun Friday! Each month a different field trip activity is planned by members of the PTO and is a fun, optional opportunity for families of GPA students to attend together! From apple picking to museum trips, our students love to explore and learn together.
FUN FACT: Little siblings come along on Fun Fridays too!
Grace Preparatory Academy
754 Greendale Avenue, Needham, MA 02492